Copper, 892, 895
Copper-containing enzyme
functions, 895
Copper-dependent enzyme, 177
Copper-transporting ATPase, 896
Coproporphyrinogen III, 685, 687
Coproporphyrinogen oxidase, 687
CoQ, 256
CoQ collects, 254
Core enzyme, 566
Cori cycle, 275, 488
Coronary artery disease, 417
Coronary heart disease (CHD), 149, 446
Corticobasal degeneration, 62
Corticosteroid pathway, 705
Corticosteroid secretion
regulation, 752
Corticosteroids, 702
metabolism, 754
synthesis, 750
synthetic, 754
Corticosterone, 750
Corticotropin, 702
Corticotropin releasing hormone CRH,
Cortisol, 187, 278, 749, 750, 752, 753
biological actions, 755
physiological effects, 755
Cortisol biosynthesis, 752
Cortisol secretion
regulation, 753
C o ryn eb a cteriu m d ip h th eria e,
Costameres, 453, 457
Coulomb, 72
Coumadin, 863
Coupled transcription
and translation, 580
Covalent bonds, 52
coordinate, 52
Covalent modification of enzyme
1 1 0
Cowtown, 667
COX1 (cyclooxygenase 1), 207
COX1 and COX2, 392
COX2 (cyclooxygenase 2), 207
CPEO (chronic progressive external
opthalmoplegia), 478
Creatine, 332, 348, 508
Creatine and related compounds, 348
Creatine biosynthesis, 11
Creatine deficiency syndrome, 12
Creatine kinase (CK), 122, 458, 472
and CK
, 122
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK),
se e
creatine kinase (CK)
Creatinine, 332
Creatinuria, 349
1 1 1
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
variant (vCJD), 64
Crigler-Najjar syndrome type I, 694
Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II, 694
Critical micellar concentration, 201
Crohn’s disease, 427
Cross-bridge cycle, 468
Cross-bridge hypothesis, 464
Crushed wheat, 332
Crypt hyperplasia, 218
Crypts of lieberkiihn, 199
Crystal violet-iodine, 190
Crystallins, 155
CSF lactate, 226
CTG/NF 1,603
CTLs (Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes), 808
+/Cu2+ ion, 108
Cu-ATPase, 896
Cu ions, 255
Cuboidal cells, 218
Cuprous/cupric copper ion, 108
C 0t
(“cot”) curve, 529
C 0t
curves, 530
xO t"
curves for, 529
Cushing’s disease, 756, 760
Cushing’s syndrome, 78, 512, 707,
756, 760
Cutis laxa, 589
Cyanide, 99, 256, 271
poisoning, 101, 673
Cyanmethemoglobin, 673
Cyanocobalamin, 918
6 6 8
Cycd-1, 611
Cyclic AMP (cAMP), 111, 595
concentration, 595
Cyclin-D, 611
Cyclin-dependent kinase, 611
Cyclin-dependent, kinase inhibitor, 612
Cycloheximide, 585, 606
Cyclooxygenase (COX), 207
Cyclooxygenase enzymes, 207
Cycloserine, 338
Cyclosporin A, 321, 721
Cystathionine /3-synthase (CBS), 355
Cystatin family (stefins, cystatins, and
rinogens), 103
Cysteine, 25, 31, 42, 353, 354
biosynthesis of, 354
Cysteinylglycine, 335
Cystic fibrosis, 26, 132, 216, 438, 539, 911
CF mice, 223
CFTR defects, 223
2 2 1
digestive enzymes, 219
2 2 0
transmembrane conductance regulator
(CFTR), 220
Cystine, 25, 333
Cystinosis, 333
Cystinuria, 216, 333, 354
Cytambine (cytosine arabinoside), 641
Cytidine diphosphate (CDP), 108
Cytidine nucleotides
synthesis, 640
Cytochalasins, 480
Cytochrome a, 255
Cytochrome a3, 255
Cytochrome b, 256
Cytochrome b5, 274
Cytochrome b558, 271, 253
Cytochrome c, 54, 255
Cytochrome c oxidase, 251, 272, 895
Cytochrome oxidase, 256
composition of,
1 0 0
inactivation and reactivation of, 99
Cytochrome P-450, 273, 274
Cytochromes, 108, 253
Cytokines, 808, 812, 832
Cytoplasmic (Cu/Zn) superoxide
dismutase, 305
Cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels, 264
Cytosine, 523
tautomeric forms of, 523
Cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase, 282
Cytotoxic T cells, 809
D, 828
D-amino acids, 26, 333
D-2-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase, 236
D-lactate, 236, 936
D-lactic acidosis, 236
Dam methylase, 524
Dansyl chloride, 43
Daunorubicin, 553
D A X -1
gene, 781
db/db, 516
DCC, 612
mitochondrial disorders and, 270
Deamination, 335
Deamination of e-amino, 585
Debranching enzyme, 286
Decarboxylation of isocitrate to
oxidative, 243
Decay accelerating factor, 830
Decidual prolactin, 794
Decreased affinity, 495
Defective erythropoiesis, 682
Deferoxamine, 682
Deficiency of folate or vitamin B
, 644
Deficiency of GSH synthase, 335
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